
Self check-in

Portal SISBI
27/02/2018 - 10:16 - updated 14/03/2018 - 14:33
Self check-in machine
Target audience: 
Student / Professor / Admnistrative technician
Santa Monica Central Library (MON) / Umuarama Sector Library (UMU) / Ituiutaba Sector Library (PON)

What is it?

Equipment available 24/7, with access from outside the library, at Santa Mônica and Umuarama libraries.

It enables handing and pre-determined distribution of items with Radio Frequency (RFID) devices, speeding up the works return to the shelves.

  • The user can return the items at any time by inserting the borrowed work into the cavity destined to the activity, obtaining a printed receipt of the procedure.
  • At Ituiutaba Sector Library, the self-loan equipment performs check-in services during the library's opening hours.

Agenda de Eventos