
Planetary Scanner

Service is available at Santa Mônica, Umuarama and Ituiutaba libraries.
Portal SISBI
05/04/2018 - 16:09 - updated 05/04/2018 - 16:09
Target audience: 
Student / Professor / Admnistrative technician / External community
Santa Monica Central Library (MON) / Umuarama Sector Library (UMU) / Ituiutaba Sector Library (PON)

It is a self-service equipment for digitization of small parts of material from the collection. It is available at Santa Mônica Library (near the Circulation and Multimedia Division service desk (1st floor). At Umuarama, next to the second floor service desk, and  Ituiutaba Library (near the group study area).

It scans high resolution documents up to A3 (480mm x 360 mm), black and white, grayscale or color.

Scanner Planetário 

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