

Portal SISBI
14/03/2018 - 15:21 - updated 14/03/2018 - 15:47
Target audience: 
Student / Professor / Admnistrative technician
Santa Monica Central Library (MON) / Umuarama Sector Library (UMU) / Physical Education Sector Library (FIS) / Basic School Sector Library (ESB) / Ituiutaba Sector Library (PON) / Patos De Minas Sector Library (PAT) / Monte Carmelo Sector Library (MTC)

What is it?

  • UFU Library System Registration which provides the right to borrow informational material from any SISBI/UFU library.

The service is not provided for:

  • Service is not provided for special graduates (Graduation, Masters and Doctorate), due the lack of enrollment to UFU.

Requesting the Institutional Identity:

  • The user must request its production, according to its segment:

       Link "Portal do Docente" or directly at:
       Students (undergraduate and graduate)
       Link "Portal do Estudante" or directly at:

       Special professors (Postdoctoral)
       Divisão de Apoio a Pós-Graduação (PROPP)
       João Martins Neto (coordenador)
       Fone: (34) 3239-4881
        Link "Portal do Téc. Administrativo " or directly at:

       Residência Médica e Residência Multiprofissional da Saúde
       DIRAP - Diretoria de Administração de Pessoal
       Claudionor Antônio Silva - Divisão de Movimentação e Registro
       Fone: (34) 3239-4670
       Retired Servants              
       PROGEP - Pró-Reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas
       Fone: (34) 3239-4617


How to proceed?

  • Service provided to people linked to UFU who must request the registration at loan desk in one of UFU libraries, presenting UFU ID. 
  • The use of the institutional identity is personal, not transferable and essential for loans.