Umuarama Sector Library (UMU)

Portal SISBI
29/03/2018 - 16:26 - atualizado em 09/04/2018 - 16:42

O que é
This document  proves non-existencing pending issues with SISBI and it can be issued at at the library service desk . After issuing the document, the registration of users that have no link to UFU will be automatically canceled.

   What is the purpose?

Portal SISBI
29/03/2018 - 16:18 - atualizado em 29/03/2018 - 16:18
Portal SISBI
29/03/2018 - 15:23 - atualizado em 29/03/2018 - 15:23

It is a technology that allows people to communicate in real time, in audio and video simultaneously, regardless their geographical locations.


This technology is available at:

  • Santa Monica Central Library - 3C Building;
  • Umuarama – 4G Building.


Portal SISBI
15/03/2018 - 16:51 - atualizado em 15/03/2018 - 17:22

UFU Libraries Collection (books, periodicals, videos, databases and e-books) is available to the general community, but check-out is only available to UFU community members (students, faculty and staff). 

Portal SISBI
15/03/2018 - 16:23 - atualizado em 15/03/2018 - 16:23

You can to search all available documents in the Collection (books, periodicals, scores, DVDs, CDs, technical standards, among others).

You can create customized bibliographic lists, export references to bibliographic management software, monitor recalls, history search and documents borrowed verification. 

Portal SISBI
15/03/2018 - 15:49 - atualizado em 15/03/2018 - 16:05

SIAFI (Integrated System of Financial Administration of the Federal Government) writes off fines in up to three business days (system in operation) after payment or at any time, if the user presents the voucher at the service desk.


Portal SISBI
14/03/2018 - 16:13 - atualizado em 14/03/2018 - 16:13

What is it?

  • UFU Library System Registration which provides the right to borrow informational material from any SISBI/UFU library.
Portal SISBI
14/03/2018 - 15:21 - atualizado em 14/03/2018 - 15:47

Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU) is one of the documents established by the Ministry of Finance so that the citizen makes payments to Federal Public Bodies.

GRU Issuance - Educational Services:

Portal SISBI
14/03/2018 - 15:15 - atualizado em 14/03/2018 - 15:15

What is it?

Equipment available 24/7, with access from outside the library, at Santa Mônica and Umuarama libraries.

It enables handing and pre-determined distribution of items with Radio Frequency (RFID) devices, speeding up the works return to the shelves.

Portal SISBI
27/02/2018 - 10:16 - atualizado em 14/03/2018 - 14:33