
CAPES Portal Remote access:

Service is offered through Federated Academic Community
Portal SISBI
27/02/2018 - 09:36 - updated 14/03/2018 - 13:57
CAPES Portal Remote access:
Target audience: 
Student / Professor / Admnistrative technician
Subject matter: 
Santa Monica Central Library (MON) / Umuarama Sector Library (UMU) / Physical Education Sector Library (FIS) / Basic School Sector Library (ESB) / Ituiutaba Sector Library (PON) / Patos De Minas Sector Library (PAT) / Monte Carmelo Sector Library (MTC) / University Hospital Sector Library (HCU)

CAFe - Federated Academic Community is maintained by the National Network of Teaching and Research (RNP).
It is a federation that brings Brazilian teaching and research institutions together to provide remote access to Portal Capes and to various services with a single registration.

How does it work?
It enables each user to have a single account in his/her home institution, which is valid for all the services offered to the federation, avoiding multiple accesses passwords and registration processes.   

Usage Conditions:

  • Be a member of institutions that use Portal Capes and participates in CAFe, by the login and password used to access the institutional e-mail.
  • UFU community members can only access the service by institutional email addresses with "" extension or after having their email addresses updated from to individual
  1. Access: Portal de Periódicos CAPES
  2. In the "Meu espaço" link, access "Acesso remoto via CAFe" and click on “Selecione uma instituição”.
  3. Locate the desired institution (acronym or full name).
  4. After selecting "UFU", click on the "Enviar" button and enter your institutional email and password.
  5. In case of any doubts, check the tutorial.

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