
Wireless (Wi-fi)

Service is provided by UFU Information Technology Center
Portal SISBI
29/03/2018 - 16:33 - atualizado em 29/03/2018 - 16:33
Estudante / Professor / Técnico administrativo
Biblioteca Central Santa Mônica (BCMON) / Biblioteca Setorial Umuarama (BSUMU) / Biblioteca Setorial Educação Física (BSFIS) / Biblioteca Setorial Educação Básica (BSESB) / Biblioteca Setorial Pontal (BSPON) / Biblioteca Setorial Patos de Minas (BSPAT) / Biblioteca Setorial Monte Carmelo (BSMTC) / Biblioteca Setorial Hospital de Clínicas (BSHCU)

Wireless internet access in SISBI library areas.
The institutional wireless network is available at various UFU locations, including SISBI libraries.

  • Available for undergraduates/graduates, faculty and UFU staff.

The procedures are described on:


All access is recorded and improper use will result in blocking or even suspending the user, so it is extremely important that your password is not informed to others/third parties.